Meet editCSVonline!
Edit your CSV files online. No account neccessary!
edit CSV online is a 100% free web app powered by DataGridXL, the no-nonsense fast Excel-like Vanilla Javascript data table library.
Edit JSON files instead? Jump to editjsononline.com!
Clipboard | |
Ctrl + X | Cut |
Ctrl + C | Copy |
Ctrl + V | Paste |
Selection | |
Ctrl + A | Select All |
Shift + ↑ | Modify Selection Upwards |
Shift + → | Modify Selection Rightwards |
Shift + ↓ | Modify Selection Downwards |
Shift + ← | Modify Selection Leftwards |
Navigation | |
Ctrl + Home | Navigate to first cell of sheet |
Ctrl + End | Navigate to last cell of sheet |
Ctrl + ↑ | Navigate to first cell of current column |
Ctrl + ↓ | Navigate to last cell of current column |
Ctrl + ← or Home | Navigate to first cell of current row |
Ctrl + → or End | Navigate to last cell of current row |
Ctrl + PgUp | Move cursor up one viewport |
Ctrl + PgDn | Move cursor down one viewport |
Navigation (sheet) | |
↑ | Navigate Up |
→ or Tab | Navigate Right |
↓ | Navigate Down |
← or Shift + Tab | Navigate Left |
Enter | Enter Editor |
Navigation (inside selection) | |
Shift + Enter | Navigate Up |
Tab | Navigate Right |
Enter | Navigate Down |
Shift + Tab | Navigate Left |
Manipulation | |
Ctrl + Z | Undo |
Ctrl + Y | Redo |
Backspace or Delete | Clear current cell selection |
What do you think?
Let us know what we can do to improve edit CSV online! Reach us at support@datagridxl.com.
Change Log
April 15th 2021The arrow of the collapsible sidebar now correctly points rightwards when it's open. (Thank you Joe!)
Coming Q3 2021: DataGridXL 2!
DataGridXL 2 adds dozens of new features! It will remain the most performant and reliable vanilla Javascript data grid with Excel-like controls.